

Endodontics is a field of dentistry that includes the examination, diagnosis and treatment of the dental pulp and tissues surrounding the tooth root. In general, endodontic treatment includes the treatment of the soft pulp tissues inside the tooth.

The endodontist, who is an expert in this procedure, is a professional in the treatment of the soft pulp tissues inside the patient's teeth. Clinically, if the tooth is healthy, part or all of the dental pulp is preserved, or if the tooth is infected, the pulp is removed.

The most common symptoms of pulp damage include pain in your tooth, swelling and a feeling of warmth in your gums. The dentist examines the painful tooth and takes x-rays to confirm the diagnosis. If your dentist thinks you need root canal treatment, he or she will refer you to an endodontist.


What Does Endodontics Mean?

The aim of the specialist in endodontics is to save the tooth. In this purpose instead of removing a diseased or damaged tooth, further damage to the inside of the tooth is prevented. For this purpose, tooth infection and decay are cleaned.

Root canal treatment applied by endodontists is the most commonly known type of treatment. It is generally a treatment method performed on the nerves, arterioles, lymphatic tissue, fibrous tissue and venules of the tooth. This treatment method is used in cases where the tooth pulp is damaged when injured.


Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root canal treatment is performed when the soft inner part of a tooth, called the pulp, is injured or becomes inflamed or infected. During a root canal procedure, endodontists apply local anesthesia to the gum tissue around the tooth. Then, the infected tissue and pulp are removed from the tooth. In this process, the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and remaining bacteria are removed.

After all these traces of infection are removed and the inside of the tooth is completely dried, the specialist physician; It fills the chamber and root with a special material called gutta-percha. Depending on how the outside of the tooth looks, the endodontist completes the treatment by placing a crown or other type of dental restoration on the tooth to protect the tooth.


What Does Endodontics Do?

Endodontists perform all root canal treatments and surgeries. In addition, they place dental implants and find solutions in case of any traumatic dental injury. In endodontics, broken and chipped teeth, plaque and bacteria that can promote tooth decay and cause more pain are completely cleaned.

Teeth; If the patient is very sensitive to cold, heat or acidic foods, he/she should consult endodontics. Most of the time, the enamel of the teeth is worn away and the nerve endings are exposed. In this case, it causes sensitivity and pain in the teeth.

Apart from this, it is necessary to consult an endodontist when any swelling occurs in the gums, teeth or face. In this regard, with endodontics, the area is cleaned, disinfected and treatment is provided to prevent re-infection.


Endodontics Price

In general, prices depend on many different reasons. Endodontic prices vary depending on the type of dentist or specialist. If they need more advanced equipment for some treatments, the specialty practice is more expensive than the family dental office. The anatomy of your tooth is another condition that affects prices.

Calcification of the channels, curved, twisted or difficult to reach makes the procedure difficult. The age of the patient also affects the price of endodontics. The same type of nerve treatment is not applied to children's teeth as is done to adults. Therefore it is more suitable. At the same time, some people prefer to sleep during dental appointments. Depending on the type of anesthesia you choose, treatment may be more expensive.


What is Dental Root Canal Treatment?

There are many reasons why a patient may need a root canal. A patient who has suffered dental trauma is a prime candidate for endodontic treatment. When patients ignore tooth decay until it reaches the inner chambers of their teeth, an endodontist can help disinfect the area and save the tooth.

Endodontists also help with abscesses, old fillings, chipped and broken teeth, and infected dental pulp. The endodontist's primary goal in dental root canal treatment is to preserve the natural tooth for as long as possible. Thus, patients will be protected from the long process and high costs of tooth replacement.


Filling or Root Canal Treatment?
Endodontics (Root Treatment Prices)

Many people wonder how much a root canal costs. This treatment is not as cheap as a dental filling. It is usually much more expensive than a crown. However, there are different factors that affect the cost of root canal treatment. This means that it can change  significantly from one person to another.

In this case, the duration of the treatment to be applied to the tooth, the procedures performed and the quality of the materials used in the treatment completely change the prices. Which tooth is treated also changes the price. Some teeth have more roots than others. This makes the procedure longer and more difficult to perform.

Generally, your molars are your furthest and most posterior teeth. Molar teeth usually have 2-3 roots. In extremely rare cases, they may have four roots. They are also much harder to see and reach. This makes the treatment much more challenging for dentists. Depending on the tooth, your dentist may refer you to a specialist. In this case, the procedure becomes much more costly.


How make is root treatment?

In this operation, endodontists treat problems involving the inside of the tooth in an area known as the dental pulp. There are also blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue in this area. Deep tooth decay can become inflamed or infected due to traumatic injury to a tooth and repeated dental treatment on the tooth. After this situation, the treatment process should be started by a specialist endodontist.

The most common procedure performed in this operation is root canal treatment, which removes the tooth's nerve and damaged or infected dental pulp. Generally, if the tooth is left alone, the pulp becomes inflamed and becomes painful. Eventually, the tooth dies completely. Dentists can also perform root canals, but an endodontist has much more experience in this situations.

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that involves removing the pulp, the soft center of the tooth. Generally, root canal treatments are performed to save teeth that are irreversibly decayed or seriously damaged.

In some cases, root canal treatment is applied due to cosmetic reasons. Root canals generally take about 1 or 2 hours to complete. However, your treatment time varies depending on the complexity of the root canal treatment required.

Filling also appears as another treatment method. Filling; It is performed to fill the empty spaces in the teeth after root canal treatment. In this regard, it does not have a function such as cleaning the tooth in detail or removing bacteria.